Waters, John. "Teaching Green." THE Journal (2011): n. pag. Web. 11 Apr 2011.
This article written by John K. Waters was to educate the reader on the abundance of online tools that can help educators inform and instruct students about environmental issues. It was only 41 years ago that the nation had its first grassroots demonstration on behalf of Earth Day. This event is what was believed to have ignited the modern environmental education movement. Now, four decades later, we have a wealth of online resources for green teaching and learning. The article goes on to suggest great sites like "Classroom Earth" and "The Ecological Footprint Quiz" where students can go on line and inform themselves on the environmental world around them in fun and engaging ways.
Would you use these sites in your classroom?
Yes, I think they are great! The sites are easy to navigate, and constantly updated with the newest environmental information. They give great ideas for lesson plans, engaging videos and fun games that the students can play on while taking away important information. These sites can enhance and strengthen environmental education in classrooms nationwide.
What could you see as a downside?
Well, the only downside that I could find in this article was that most of the sites were directed for grades 4 and higher. I want to teach a second grade classroom and some of these websites may be a little too advanced for the age level that I will be working with. Otherwise, I thought that the article was great and very informative.
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